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Sex: Male
Hometown: Bandung, Indonesia
Relationship Status: Married to Her

Looking For: FriendshipNetworking
Personal Information
Hometown: Bandung, Indonesia
Relationship Status: Married to Her

Looking For: FriendshipNetworking
Personal Information
Favorite Books: Super Nova (Dewi Lestari's), Nagasasra Sabuk Inten, Api dibukit Menoreh-(SH Mintarja's books), Reiki books, Hermawan Kartajaya's books
Activities : Head Of Division of a company with around 5000 employee, Student of Doctoral Degree, Lecturer at an Institute Technology, Koordinator Pusat Meditasi-Satria Nusantara (Penjuru 8), Reiki Master (Teacher), Authorised Instructor of Prana Shakti Int Brotherhood, Pembina Inter-Bond Badminton Club.
Education :
Doctoral Degree (Not Yet Graduated)
Master of Business Administration (Graduated)
Graduate Dip Business (Graduated)
Dukung Pulau Komodo Jadi 7 Keajaiban Dunia, Kuliner Indonesia, , JAKARTA, Informasi Seminar Indonesia (1), Homeopathy - Homeopathic Facial Analysis , Esoteric Worlds, Homeopathy, Natural Healing School of Tai Chi, Kung Fu & Qi Gong , ASSOCIATION OF OD PROFFESIONAL IN INDONESIA (AOPI), The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH) - Group 2, Sekolah Kencana In Memory., Reiki Asia, The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH), Prana Shakti International Brotherhood, Api Di Bukit Menoreh, World meditation day, Reiki Network
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